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FROM AED 290.00

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Made from the natural fibers of cotton and wool, tamaki niime shawls are produced by Niime Tamaki at her studio in Nishiwaki City, Hyogo Prefecture.

Her one-of-a-kind shawls are created on a 1965 power loom. Aiming for extreme softness, she has spent years of trial and error perfecting the quality and structure of the fibers, as well as the weaving speed. Knowledge gained on the power loom is then used to produce shawls on her other loom, a more efficient rapier model that can make several pieces at a time. The result is a soft feel that is extremely gentle on the skin.

For CRAFTED FOR LEXUS, Ms. Tamaki selected a lineup of special colors

Available sizes:

  • Medium cotton | AED 290
  • Medium wool | AED 560
  • Big cotton | AED 540
  • Big wool | AED 880

FROM AED 290.00

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FROM AED 290.00

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FROM AED 290.00

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